UCCE Master Food Preservers of Sacramento County
University of California
UCCE Master Food Preservers of Sacramento County

Become a UCCE Master Food Preserver Volunteer

2025 Training!

2024 classes are complete and we look forward to our new class joining us in upcoming events. See the "Current Training" link on the left to see what will be expected for 2025 training.

Give us your name to get updates.

Why become a Master Food Preserver?

  1. It's a great way to contribute to our community. Every year, we perform thousands of hours of volunteer service to help keep the Sacramento community safe and healthy.

  2. As an Master Food Preserver, you get to meet and work with a group of passionate, Sacramento-area food enthusiasts.

  3. Being a Master Food Preserver is an excellent way to learn and stay up-to-date on the latest preserving methods and issues in food safety.

The Sacramento Training Program

UCCE Master Food Preserver trainees in Sacramento County participate in a thorough 9-session program of instruction in home food preservation. The classes cover the following topics:

  • Food safety
  • Canning with boiling water, steam, and pressure
  • Fermenting
  • Pickling
  • Dehydrating fruits and vegetables
  • Freezing foods

The program is rigorous: between January and May trainees meet several times a month on Saturdays for 7 hours (9 AM - 4 PM) each class. Instructors use lectures and hands-on labs to teach the food preservation techniques during classes, with additional study time and home projects required. Regular written tests and a final examination prepare the trainees to begin their first year educating our community.


Enter your contact information on our Master Food Preserver Training Interest Form and we will contact you with details about our next training.

Webmaster Email: sacmfp@ucanr.edu